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BOSCH GAL1880CV component level repair

UPDATE! 2022/08. Updated component list is up.
Contains almost all components on PCB
You can download it here, or down in article.

So I have this friend who is in construction work. He uses a lot of power tools, especially blue BOSCH akku tools.
One day he mentions that he just bought new GAL1880CV charger. He also said that he has about five of the same chargers that are not working.

As things go, I now have 5 GAL1880CV to repair and I also borrowed that one good charger to use for part database as some of the components were unrecognizably burned.

After I examined all five units it seems they all share the same problem. Standby power supply part is burned in all of them.

In my humble opinion the main culprit behind the problem is transistor Q1, CS1N80 A1H in TO92 case.

As this original component is quite hard to obtain I found a replacement HFU1N80. This unit comes in I-PAK case and it fits the PCB with minimum adjustments.

Damaged components differed through all five units. Some had more burned components than others. But after all the repairs, these were the ones that needed replacement:

position value size/case
R7 82k 0805 (2012)
R8 30R 0805 (2012)
R12 390R 0805 (2012)
R13 6R8 1206 (3216)
R14 4R7 1206 (3216)
R15 4R7 1206 (3216)
Q1 CS1N80  A1H TO-92
Q2 PMBT3904 (W1A) SOT-23
V4 1N4148W SOD123

Component list can be downloaded: here

I also took few pictures of the new charger for future needs:


  1. Johnny Johnny

    Exceptional work my fellow enthusiast. I must say, Bosch has one of top quality tools and it is nice to see someone trying to upgrade components for longer usage.

    Best regards, fellow blogger

  2. Geno Geno

    Малко помощ и от мен.


    thanx for your beatiful sharing

  4. Максим Максим

    Подскажите R65 и r53 какие это резисторы? не могу заказать ..

    • Lajt Lajt

      Hey Максим, R65 = 20kOhm, R53 = 4,7Ohm

      • Максим Максим

        Супер., Буду искать

  5. Олег Олег

    Дякую, дуже вчасно та актуально.

  6. Mauro Soares Mauro Soares

    do you have the values of C101 and C102
    in R13 what is R?? in 6R8

    • Lajt Lajt

      Hi Mauro,

      Sorry but for some reason i missed your comment 🙁
      Values for C101 and C102 are: 1nF in SMD case 1206 (3216).
      R in 6R8 is Ohm. So that value is 6.8 Ohm


    Hello. I have the exact same BOCH GAL 1880CV charger that has broken down. The battery light is coming on slowly. If you have the schematic of this circuit, I would be interested in having this document. Sincerely

    • Lajt Lajt

      Dear Martin.

      I am sorry but I don’t have a schematic for any Bosch charger. All the component info that is on my site was measured by me from a physical device.

      Kind regards,

  8. wulf wulf

    Hello, thanks for offering your experience.
    Do you have a source for buying HFU1N80 or CS1N80?

    • Lajt Lajt

      I got HFU1N80 from aliexpress.
      Kind regards

  9. Ceyfun Ceyfun

    Merhaba CS1N80A1H bulmak imkansız gibi nirşey ama HFU1N80 nereden temin edebilirim.

    • Lajt Lajt

      I got HFU1N80 from aliexpress.
      Kind regards

  10. Merti Berg Merti Berg

    hey man, thanks for that blog entry!
    Its also hard to find a HFU1N80. Do you have alternatives for this component?

    • Lajt Lajt

      Not at the moment, no.
      But it seems to be an issue so I will look into it and try to find a solution.

      p.s. I got mine HFU1N80 from aliexpress.
      Kind regards

      • Merti Berg Merti Berg

        Thanks for the reply. Looking forward if there is a solution.

      • Lajt Lajt

        Thank you for that information.

      • Darek Darek

        I have used 2SK3215. Think that similar transistor would work as well.

  11. Dalebroux Michel Dalebroux Michel

    Hi Lajt !
    Thanks for sharing your experience !
    How did you go about removing the protective varnish that covers this PCB ?
    Difficult to make measurements on the components.


  12. Lajt Lajt

    Hi Michel,

    I use a Lacquer thinner.
    In my country it is also called “Nitro” Lacquer thinner.
    Just a cheap, universal, type (not for oil based colours).
    It works wonders.


  13. Shlomi Shlomi

    Is there a way to change the input voltage from 110V to 220v?

    • Shlomi Shlomi

      ^^ To make it work with 220v instead of 110v

      • Lajt Lajt

        Hi Shlomi,

        Unfortunately no. This charger is built for one input voltage (region) only.
        It is not a dual power device and doesn’t have any option to be converted.
        Only solution would be conversion transformer (230<->115V)

        • Shlomi Shlomi

          Thanks, I have found manuals for the 1820 charger to be converted into 220…


    Hello. I would be curious to know the values of C3 and C4 which drives Q1? Sincerely


    Hello. I would be curious to know the values of C3 and C4 which drives Q1? Sincerely

    • Lajt Lajt

      Hi Martin,

      C3 = 1nF
      C4 = 10nF
      Both in 0805 (2012) size

      Regards, Lajt

  16. Doru Doru

    If anyone has a service manual on the manifestation of defects, I would like to help me by posting the list of manifestations or even the manual here. Not having the scheme of this device, maybe I can solve the problem I have.
    Thank you

  17. Nikola Nikola

    Do you know what is marked with “N1”. Thanks in advance

    • Lajt Lajt

      Hi Nikola,

      N1 = SMD marking = GA1 = AZ431A in SOT23

      • Nikola Nikola

        Dear Lajt,

        Thank you really much for your quick response.

        If i could ask you one more question and i will pay a beer 🙂
        What is 8 pin chip neer to R55?
        The other two ICs on that side are “HR1000” and “324a” i don’t need MCU.

        Thank you for your time.

        • Lajt Lajt

          No problem 🙂

          Chip you are looking for is MP6922 in SOIC8 case.


  18. Hello. I would be curious to know what is marked by N1. Thanks

    • Lajt Lajt

      Hi Pera

      N1 = SMD marking = GA1 = AZ431A in SOT23

  19. Lior Lior

    Great information!
    What value are the two large capacitors?
    On a 110v device, If they will be replaced to with the right ones… wouldn’t it work on 220v?


    • Lajt Lajt

      Thank you for your question but I don’t have 110V unit so I can’t give any advice on it.

  20. Aw Aw

    Hello, dutch user here, do you know the output voltages of the transformers ? De numbers tr1 tr2 and L2. ? In partslist you call them EMI Transformer,
    Standby Transformer
    ,Main Transformer.
    Thank you in advance.

  21. Carlos Gomez Carlos Gomez

    Gracias colega bendiciones 🙏 Dios esté contigo

    • Lajt Lajt

      You’re welcome.

  22. Misa Misa

    Thank you for this post. It helped me repair my GAL 1880 CV. I used BUK444-800 as a replacement MOSFET (around 1EUR here in Belgrade). Hvala puno!

    • Lajt Lajt

      I am glad it was helpful and thank you for the transistor option.
      Lijep pozdrav

  23. Tthank you !
    Fantastically ! You helped a lot of people, including me, to try to fix that battery charger. Greetings from Croatia !!!

    • Lajt Lajt

      You are very welcome. And thank you for the feedback. Pozdrav iz Zagreba

  24. MisterGNZ MisterGNZ

    si può usare al posto del cs1n80, cs1n60 comprato su aliexpress e funziona benissimo

    • Lajt Lajt


  25. MisterGNZ MisterGNZ

    you can use it instead of the cs1n80, cs1n60 bought on aliexpress and it works great

    • Lajt Lajt

      Excellent, thank you for the information.

  26. Thierry Thierry

    Super encore merci pour ton partage changer les éléments grillés et c’est repartie 👍👍

    • Lajt Lajt

      You’re welcome 🙂

  27. MisterGNZ MisterGNZ

    Sometimes the small transformer burns out. unobtainable,
    On the new Bosch Amp Share battery chargers, instead of the CS1n80 to92, it mounts the 1Nk80z SOT-223/DPAK/IPAK, it is easily found on Aliexpress

    • Lajt Lajt

      Thank you for the info.

  28. Mr Pepe Mr Pepe

    When I pace the battery in the gal 1810 cc charger there is no led lit but there is dc volts on f the rectifier
    They is no sign of burned components

  29. Alex Alex

    Hi everyone,

    I’m looking for the solution to convert Bosch BC1880 for 220v.
    As I read the internet, there should be some simple operation for it. H
    owever, Im a complete dumbass in electronics, so If anyone could bother to explain the operation that would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in anticipation!

    Cheers, Alex

    • Lajt Lajt

      Sorry but I don’t have an answer to your question. Maybe someone sees it and gives you an answer but you are better off asking this question on some electronics forum.

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